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Nexity in a nutshell

A bit of context

After 5 years of working in the field of evaluating and implementing major national research and innovation projects, we aligned our business with the priorities of the European Commission and market trends, launching the first Romanian agency dedicated to attracting investments and E.U. Funding for tech startups back in 2020.


The Nexity team may be young, but we have accumulated an immense amount of experience by directly participating in the successful implementation of most of the projects managed by the Ministry of Research, with the help of E.U. Funding provided to Romania public entities by the European Commission through the Horizon program.


With a total value of over 300 million euros in funding, the Nexity team, along with 60 co-opted technical experts, has successfully completed 90 highly important projects for the industry, research, and economy of Romania. Some of the beneficiaries of these projects include:

ELI NP - The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics - Magurele

USAMV - Universitatea de Agricultura si Medicina Veterinara

Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculara "Petru Poni"

ICSI - Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Criogenice și Izotopice Ramnicu Valcea

ECOIND - Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Ecologie Industriala

INCASInstitutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Aerospatiala "Elie Carafoli"

COMOTI - Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Turbomotoare

INOE 2000 - Institutului National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronica


Nexity today

Currently, Nexity is one of the most active Romanian agencies focused on attracting E.U. Funding for tech companies. Our dedication to supporting the growth and development of local startups and providing customized software solutions to our clients has earned us a reputation as a leading partner in the technology sector.

Validated by the industry

Official Partner


Starting in 2021, Nexity has become the official partner of the most high-performing technology startup accelerator in Romania, providing top-notch mentorship sessions on E.U. Funding calls and offering full support in obtaining them.

Our partnership with the premier technology startup accelerator in Romania is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our unwavering dedication to supporting the startup community.


We firmly believe that every startup has the potential to change the world, and we are here to help them do just that. With our expertise, knowledge, and resources, we are confident in our ability to help startups achieve their full potential and thrive in the highly competitive world of technology entrepreneurship.

Let's partner up

Strada Cronicarilor 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti

Tel: +40 744 654 487

Thank you!

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